Retreat and Personal Mentoring

Emotional stability is at the core of infinite contentment with life, and is always where we begin our mentoring journey. Looking at what areas of your life are misaligned, understanding why you are currently choosing that path, we will know where to course correct to find balance; whether that is in your personal life or beginning/expanding a retreat business.


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Retreat and Personal Mentoring

Retreat Mentoring
Whether this is your first retreat or you wish to take your offering to the next level, having external expert eyes to support and guide you through the process can take the overwhelm out to allow you to enjoy the experience of running your retreat. Jo has a wealth of knowledge, and ideas from hundreds of successful retreats to share with you.

Your Consultant
Since 2011 Jo has been running retreats; first her own in a rental property, and then supporting many facilitators over seven years at her own retreat centre in the UK. As a retreat centre owner Jo has seen pretty much everything and has the experience and knowledge to guide your retreat to balance and success.
Link to the historic Facebook page of the retreat centre

A Retreat In The Spanish Sun
Living in Spain and working closely with a luxury venue, whose owner we can introduce you to, Jo will take care of the practical details; accommodation, food, and a balanced schedule, whilst you remain in your area of expertise; the content creation and delivery of your retreat. If you would like Jo to teach a yoga and/or meditation session, cacao ceremony and/or gong bath, these extras can be factored in to your schedule.

Online Consultancy
Jo supports virtually wherever in the world your retreat is taking place, and can guide you with your schedule.

Globally In-Person
It is also possible to invite Jo to co-facilitate your retreat, and she will join you anywhere in the world.


Personal Mentoring
It’s not just starting a retreat business that Jo works with, she also offers personal mentoring. Wholeness, fullness, completeness are fundamentally who you are and if this is not your current experience then our work together is about re-membering and re-connecting to that which you already are. Jo meets you from this open and abundant space and will invite you to unite with your true potential for joy and fulfilment. Know that it is entirely possible to find, and then remain in, alignment no matter what is going on in your life. Off-grid living is learning to become self-sourced in all areas of your life.

Jo mentors those looking to expand their consciousness, and drop into a state of oneness. 30 minute and one hour online packages available, with Jo transmitting alignment directly to you. These are ideal for those who have been on retreat with Jo in the past and would like to ‘top-up’ their energy and reconnect, and also for people who have not yet worked with Jo and are ready to drop their conditioned story and experience life at the next level.

“Thank you SO much for a really transformative session. Yes, I came away feeling more open and positive and re-committed to my practice. My attitude to work has shifted a bit too. I feel hopeful again. Thank you! I’ll do my homework!”

Throughout our lives teachers come in to mirror to us exactly what we need in that moment; the following list is what Jo has personally moved through and can support you with from an experiential level:

  • Addiction
  • Finding your calling
  • Manifesting at a high level
  • Building a successful spiritual and/or retreat business
  • Surrendering to Self and not needing anything from anyone/anything
  • Creating a stable personal practice (meditation, journaling, yoga etc)
  • Living off-grid on the outskirts of society physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually


60 Minute Online Mentoring Sessions
£280 for a month of weekly sessions
£650 for 10 weekly sessions

  • Pre-call questions to be completed
  • Spend 10 minutes before the call in contemplation
  • 60 minutes on the call with Jo
  • Spend 10 minutes post call journaling and downloading your thoughts, inspiration and motivation
  • An audio or video recording will be sent to you for your records

Book your package and Jo will email you to arrange timings and start date. Email here for more information and with any questions.


Terms, Conditions, and Disclaimer
Once a day and time has been agreed, the packages of four and ten sessions are to be taken in concurrent weeks at the same time each week. These mentoring sessions are about you taking responsibility and realising that everything that you wish for is already within you. It’s time to stop giving your power away to how life has shaped you thus far. Yes what has happened up to now is mostly down to society and conditioning, but by connecting to Blissful Infinity you have an opportunity to transcend what you think you ‘should’ do, and live life from an effortless place. These are not sessions where something is ‘done to you’; we cannot do this for you, no one else can. This is your show; your life; and now it is time to empower yourself and believe that you deserve all that you’ve dreamt of. For you cannot have a dream if it is not possible; we each have a unique set of dreams/ desires/ wishes; no one has the same as you, and you do not take from another when you realise your own. It’s time my friend, but the only person who can set you free is you.